Sejauh manakah kesungguhan, keikhlasan, kebenaran dan kejujuran Parti Politik membawa arah tuju yang sebenar.....?

……….Dan demikian itulah keadaan hari-hari (dunia ini dengan peristiwa-peristiwa kemenangan atau kekalahan), kami gilirkan dia antara sesama manusia, (supaya menjadi pengajaran) dan supaya nyata apa yang diketahui Allah tentang orang-orang yang tetap beriman (dan yang sebaliknya), dan juga supaya Allah menjadikan sebahagian di antara kamu orang-orang yang mati Syahid. Dan (ingatlah), Allah tidak suka kepada orang-orang yang zalim.

- Surah Ali Imran ayat 140 -

Petikan Al-Quran.

Topik Terkini.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Salahuddin Ayob Ada Skandal......?

Miang betul juga Ahli Parlimen Kubang Kerian YB Salehuddin Ayub ni... Nik Aziz Nik Mat tau ke ? ..atau dah dijaminkan syurga tempat untuk pelaku yang suka buat kerja-kerja maksiat macam ni dalam PAS ?

Apa-apapun kita semua marilah layan kisah seribu satu malam ini seperti yang telah didedahkan oleh Screwkuat69 dan lepas tu bolehlah masing membuat penafsiran tersendiri mengenai wakil rakyat ini yang pada zahirnya nampak alim dan bersopan namun hakikatnya beliau mempunyai tabiat yang sangat bertentangan dengan penampilan yang ada pada dirinya.
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Friday, January 28, 2011


Date      : 28/01/2011

1.      Sebagaimana kita sedia maklum, adalah menjadi hasrat kerajaan untuk mengkaji semula kos sara hidup termasuk soal belanja pengangkutan sebagai satu cara mengurangkan bebanan rakyat. Semakan semula kos pengangkutan ini perlu dilaksanakan dengan berhemah dan betul demi masa hadapan negara.

2.           Sejajar dengan itu dan atas semangat 1MALAYSIA, yang mana RAKYAT DIDAHULUKAN DAN PENCAPAIAN DIUTAMAKAN, saya telah meminta para pemegang konsesi tol  mengkaji semula struktur tol bagi konsesi masing-masing sebagai langkah membantu kerajaan memakmurkan negara dan mengurangkan bebanan rakyat. Menyahut seruan kerajaan ini, dua orang ahli korporat yang juga pemegang saham terbesar sebuah syarikat konsesi tol telah tampil mengemukakan satu cadangan penstrukturan tol melalui perolehan aset-aset konsesi yang akan memberi impak yang besar kepada rakyat.

3.      Berdasarkan cadangan ini, saya dengan sukacitanya ingin memaklumkan bahawa TIDAK ADA KENAIKAN TOL untuk 5 TAHUN AKAN DATANG bagi Lebuhraya Kuala Lumpur - Karak dan Lebuhraya Pantai Timur Fasa 1 yang dicadangkan bakal dimiliki oleh dua orang ahli korporat tersebut. Di samping itu, saya telah meminta supaya TEMPOH KONSESI TIDAK DILANJUTKAN dan yang lebih penting lagi TIADA PAMPASAN AKAN DIBERI OLEH KERAJAAN untuk semakan tol yang tertunggak.

4.      Cadangan ini juga akan membawa kepada PENAMATAN KONSESI TOL untuk Lebuhraya Hubungan Timur-Barat, yang menghubungkan Persilangan Salak dan Persilangan Taman Connaught, Kuala Lumpur. Ini adalah PENUTUPAN LEBIH AWAL daripada tempoh yang sepatutnya iaitu tahun 2018, lanjutan dari cadangan pengambilalihan aset-aset konsesi tersebut. Ini bermakna, PENGGUNA LEBUHRAYA TERSEBUT TIDAK PERLU LAGI MEMBAYAR TOL. Tarikh implementasi penutupan tol walau bagaimanapun, akan berkuatkuasa setelah urusan dokumentasinya selesai, dijangka dalam bulan Mei 2011. Saya difahamkan INISIATIF PENUTUPAN AWAL TOL INI AKAN MEMBERI MANFAAT KEPADA KIRA-KIRA 39 JUTA PENGGUNA LEBUH RAYA tersebut.Inisiatif ini adalah manifestasi kesungguhan kerajaan untuk mencari penyelesaian berhemah dalam isu tol.

5.      Saya juga ingin menyeru agar inisiatif sebegini dapat dicontohi oleh syarikat pemegang konsesi yang lain demi kepentingan rakyat.
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Monday, January 24, 2011


1.       What is the difference between East Jerusalem and West Jerusalem?

East Jerusalem and West Jerusalem are separated by the 1949 Armistice Line, known as the Green Line. During the 1948 War, Israel took control of the western portion of Jerusalem, expelled Palestinians from their homes and lands, and expanded its territorial control to include a significant portion of the territory that was intended for the Arab state under the 1947 United Nations (UN) Partition Plan. The West Bank, including the eastern part of Jerusalem, fell under Jordanian control until 1967, when Israel occupied them, an occupation that persists to this day. At present, no country recognizes any part of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

2.       Is East Jerusalem considered occupied territory under international law?

Yes, as a result of the 1967 War, the entire territory of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, including East Jerusalem, fell under Israeli occupation. Following its occupation of the city, Israel unilaterally expanded East Jerusalem’s municipal borders from 6 square kilometers to 72 square kilometers. Within these new borders, Israel incorporated large tracts of adjacent West Bank land and applied Israeli law, administration and jurisdiction, thus annexing occupied territory in gross violation of fundamental principles of international law prohibiting the acquisition of territory by force. The UN Security Council declared the Israeli annexation null and void and reiterated the status of East Jerusalem as occupied territory under international law1. Protections granted under international humanitarian law to the occupied Palestinian territory and Palestinians living therein apply equally to East Jerusalem and the rest of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Thus, under international law, any Israeli claim to sovereignty over East Jerusalem holds no validity.

3.       Why is East Jerusalem significant for Palestinians and crucial to the viability of a sovereign and independent Palestinian state?

In addition to Palestinian rights over East Jerusalem guaranteed by international law, Palestinians have concrete needs and interests. East Jerusalem is the natural socio-economic and political center for the future Palestinian state, given its wealth of religious sites, commercial vitality, historical significance, and geographic centrality (it geographically connects the northern and southern parts of the Palestinian territory). Metropolitan East Jerusalem, extending from Ramallah to Bethlehem, accounts for 35% of Palestinian economic output.

4.       Israel claims both East and West Jerusalem as its ‘eternal and undivided’ capital, how can these two positions be reconciled?

The international community, including the UN, the United States and the European Union, do not recognize Israel’s illegal annexation and claim of sovereignty over Jerusalem. Contrary to Israel’s exclusionist vision for the city, which maintains that Jerusalem would be the exclusive capital of Israel and would restrict access to Jerusalem, the Palestinian Liberation Organization’s (PLO) vision is that of an open and shared city, housing two capitals for two states—Israel and Palestine. The PLO is committed to respecting freedom of worship at, and access to, all sites of religious significance within Jerusalem. All possible measures will be taken to protect such sites and preserve their dignity. Moreover, the PLO is willing to consider a number of creative solutions, as long as they are in Palestinian interests and in line with international law.
Wall in Northern Jerusalem

5.       What is the legal status of Palestinians in East Jerusalem?

After 1967, Palestinians living in Jerusalem were given the status of “permanent resident.” Under this status, Palestinians are able to live and work within Israel without a special permit; similar to the status granted to immigrants to Israel. However Israel treats the indigenous Palestinian population of East Jerusalem as visitors with temporary permits and residency revocation has become a regular practice, forcing many Palestinian residents out of their city and homes in Jerusalem. According to Israeli human rights organizations, more than 13,000 “permanent residencies” were revoked between 1967 and 2008.2 Half of these revocations occurred between 2006 and 2008.3

6.       Why have Palestinians asked for a freeze on settlement construction in East Jerusalem?

In an attempt to maximize contiguous territory for illegal Israeli settlements with minimal Palestinian presence, and to territorially isolate Jerusalem from the remainder of occupied Palestinian territory, Israeli authorities continue to advance and approve the construction of illegal settlements in and around occupied East Jerusalem. Extensive settlement planning is taking place around four settlements in particular: Har Homa and Gilo in the South, Maale Adumim in the East, and Givat Zeev in the north. Additionally, in order to offset the demographic imbalance in East Jerusalem, Israeli policy makers, along with settler organizations, are creating an arc of settlements around the Old City stretching from Sheikh Jarrah to the “City of David” settlement in Silwan. The result of such illegal settlement construction has been to increase the almost negligible pre-1967 Jewish population to over 190,000 in East Jerusalem. Recent estimates indicate that some 50,000 settlement housing units are in various stages of development in and around occupied East Jerusalem.4 These Israeli polices stand in clear violation of international law, in particular the Fourth Geneva Convention, which prohibits settlements in an occupied territory.

Further, since 1967, Israeli authorities have systematically carried out demolition orders against Palestinian homes in occupied East Jerusalem. The main purpose of the house demolition policy is to dispossess Palestinian families from East Jerusalem in an attempt to alter the demographic nature of the city. Estimates indicate that more than 3,200 houses have been demolished since 1967, including several historic and religious sites, such as the historic Moroccan Quarter in the Old City. According to the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, 87 Palestinian houses were demolished in 2008 and 103 in 2009. The house demolition policy is planned to continue as hundreds of pending house demolition orders indicate, including plans to demolish over 100 Palestinian homes in the Al Bustan neighborhood of Silwan.

7.       Are Palestinian East Jerusalemites able to build and do they have access to land like their Israeli counterparts?

No, in fact, while the Israeli government supports a continued occupation of East Jerusalem, it has imposed severe restrictions on Palestinian East Jerusalemites to obtain building permits. These restrictions on building, and the scarcity of land designated for Palestinian development (the Palestinian population in East Jerusalem represents 58 percent of the total population but lives on only 13 percent of the total 72 km² of the East Jerusalem municipality area), combined with the influx of Palestinians who return to Jerusalem in order to preserve their residency status, have caused overcrowding to become a major problem in many Palestinian areas of East Jerusalem. In 2008, the average housing density per room was twice as high as among Jews, and the problem continues to be compounded.
Demolition of Shepherd’s Hotel 

Further, since 1967, Israeli authorities have systematically carried out demolition orders against Palestinian homes in occupied East Jerusalem. The main purpose of the house demolition policy is to dispossess Palestinian families from East Jerusalem in an attempt to alter the demographic nature of the city. Estimates indicate that more than 3,200 houses have been demolished since 1967, including several historic and religious sites, such as the historic Moroccan Quarter in the Old City. According to the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, 87 Palestinian houses were demolished in 2008 and 103 in 2009. The house demolition policy is planned to continue as hundreds of pending house demolition orders indicate, including plans to demolish over 100 Palestinian homes in the Al Bustan neighborhood of Silwan.

8.       What is the impact of the Wall around Jerusalem?

With the ongoing illegal construction of the Wall in and around occupied East Jerusalem, Palestinian access to Jerusalem has become increasingly difficult as the Wall has become a de facto (albeit non-recognized) Israeli unilaterally imposed border. The Wall, most of which has been completed around occupied East Jerusalem, is being used to consolidate and expand Israel’s hold on Palestinian land in order to facilitate further settlement expansion. It also serves to physically and functionally sever the northern and southern West Bank. One of the immediate implications of Israel’s policy was and remains the prevention of four million Christian and Muslim Palestinians from accessing their holy sites and places of prayer located in occupied East Jerusalem. Moreover, the Wall has fragmented the Palestinian social fabric and disconnected up to 60,000 Palestinian residents of Jerusalem from their city, as they were left outside the Wall. Consequently, the closure and the Wall severely limit trade and commerce in, through and around Jerusalem. Palestinians are cut off from schools, universities and specialized medical care. The Wall fragments Palestinian communities and isolates residents from their families and from vital social support networks.
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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

PAS Bakal Jadi Korban Politik DAP-PKR - Penganalisis.

KUALA LUMPUR, 17 Jan (Bernama) -- PAS perlu  melupakan agenda penubuhan negara Islam yang menjadi cita-cita parti Islam itu jika terus bersama pakatan pembangkang, kata penganalisis politik.

Ini kerana, menurut mereka, PAS sering kali ditentang hebat oleh rakannya iaitu DAP mengenai agendanya dan tiada gunanya PAS terus berada dalam gabungan tersebut jika benar-benar mahu meneruskan agenda negara Islam.

 "PAS tidak perlu bermimpi bahawa DAP akan menerima agenda negara Islam yang diperjuangkannya kerana DAP dari dahulu lagi tetap dengan agenda negara sekular. Adalah lebih baik PAS berjuang sendirian dan keluar daripada pakatan pembangkang bagi mengekalkan survival parti.

 "PKR pun tak ada kenyataan rasmi yang mengatakan mereka menyokong agenda yang dibawa PAS. PAS akan menjadi korban politik mereka (DAP dan Parti Keadilan Rakyat-PKR) jika terus bekerjasama dengan pakatan," kata penganalisis politik Asri Salleh ketika dihubungi Bernama di sini, hari Isnin.

 Pensyarah Sains Politik di Fakulti Sains Pentadbiran dan Pengajian Polisi Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) kampus Dungun, Terengganu itu juga berkata sekiranya terus berada dalam gabungan tersebut, agenda PAS untuk menubuhkan negara Islam lebih kepada retorik semata-mata bagi mengekalkan kuasa dan sokongan parti itu.

 Beliau berkata agenda negara Islam yang diperjuangkan PAS juga terpaksa dibelakangkan kerana perlu mendokong agenda yang dipersetujui bersama DAP dan PKR.

 "Jadi PAS terpaksa berkompromi menggadai dasar perjuangannya demi politik. Pada saya, PAS akan menjadi lebih baik jika berada di luar pakatan pembangkang berbanding berada di dalamnya yang dikhuatiri akan menghancurkan parti itu kelak," katanya.

 Pada 9 Jan lepas, Presiden PAS Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang dilaporkan akhbar berkata bahawa PAS akan tetap melaksanakan agenda negara Islam dan tidak akan tunduk terhadap sebarang tekanan termasuk daripada rakan dalam pakatan pembangkang.

 Namun, Abdul Hadi menerusi blognya keesokannya, menafikan laporan akhbar itu yang disifatkannya tidak benar, sebaliknya menjelaskan bahawa PAS akan terus menjadi penjaga amanah bagi memperkasakan Islam sebagai agama bagi Persekutuan, di mana perubahan yang ingin dilaksanakan adalah semestinya dalam ruang lingkup perlembagaan dengan Islam sebagai agama rasmi negara.

 Sementara itu, seorang lagi penganalisis politik Profesor Datuk Dr Shamsul Amri Baharudin juga berpendapat bahawa PAS perlu keluar dari gabungan DAP dan PKR yang dilihat semakin menghancurkan parti itu.

 Katanya, agenda negara Islam yang disuarakan PAS termasuk baru-baru ini dilihat bertujuan bagi menguji penerimaan Penasihat PKR Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim dan DAP.

 "PAS mula dilihat mahu lari dari pakatan itu dan mula membangkitkan mengenai negara Islam. Pada saya ini adalah tanda-tanda PAS nak keluar dari pakatan pembangkang," katanya ketika dihubungi Bernama.

 Pengarah Institut Kajian Etnik Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) itu berkata sekiranya pakatan pembangkang menang pada pilihan raya umum akan datang, PAS tetap akan menjadi parti yang ketiga dalam gabungan itu ekoran mempunyai bilangan kerusi yang sedikit.

 "Tidak ada ruginya PAS keluar. Nak bincang pasal negara Islam mestilah dengan parti Melayu. PAS jika bersama Barisan Nasional (BN), pasti dia akan mendapat tempat yang lagi bagus. Dalam pakatan tak dapat apa-apa. Jadi elok fikirkan mengenai kerajaan perpaduan demi kepentingan rakyat," katanya.

Dipetik dari -- BERNAMA
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Monday, January 17, 2011

Sultan Kedah Minta Waspada.

Tuanku Abdul Halim Mu'adzam Shah menyampaikan anugerah Orang Besar Lapan yang membawa gelaran Datuk Seri Mahawangsa kepada bekas Menteri Besar Kedah, Datuk Seri Mahdzir Khalid sempena ulang tahun hari keputeraan Sultan Kedah ke-83 di Istana Anak Bukit, semalam.
ALOR SETAR 16 Jan. - Sultan Kedah, Tuanku Abdul Halim Mu'adzam Shah meminta rakyat negeri ini agar sentiasa berwaspada dan menolak percubaan pihak tertentu untuk melibatkan baginda dalam apa-apa isu yang berbangkit.

Tuanku Abdul Halim bertitah, peristiwa seperti itu telah berlaku di beberapa tempat lain sehingga menyebabkan berlakunya perpecahan di kalangan rakyat.

"Seluruh rakyat diingatkan agar terus memelihara suasana aman damai yang membolehkan kita semua menumpukan usaha untuk meningkatkan taraf hidup masing-masing tanpa berasa bimbang dengan ancaman atau gangguan ke atas keselamatan kita," titah baginda.

Baginda bertitah demikian pada majlis istiadat menyembah tahniah dan pengurniaan darjah-darjah serta bintang-bintang kebesaran di Balai Penghadapan Istana Anak Bukit di sini hari ini.

Pada majlis tersebut baginda berkenan untuk mengurniakan pingat dan darjah kebesaran kepada 83 penerima.

Sultan Kedah bertitah, peristiwa yang berlaku di negara lain hendaklah dijadikan iktibar dan pengajaran oleh rakyat untuk sentiasa memelihara keamanan.

"Beta bersyukur dengan suasana keamanan dan keharmonian antara kaum yang dinikmati di negeri ini.

"Beta yakin ikatan perpaduan yang erat dan kukuh di kalangan penduduk berbilang kaum masa kini dapat menjadi benteng untuk memelihara keamanan," titah baginda.

Tuanku Abdul Halim bertitah, baginda ingin merakamkan penghargaan kepada semua pihak yang telah memberi sumbangan bagi menjayakan perancangan pembangunan sosioekonomi di negeri ini.

"Khasnya kepada Perdana Menteri yang tidak melupai negeri Kedah dalam agenda pembangunan negara.

"Beta juga ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua pihak seperti pegawai kerajaan negeri dan Persekutuan, anggota pasukan keselamatan yang membantu semasa banjir besar melanda Kedah pada November lalu," titah baginda.

Ehsan dari : Utusan Malaysia.
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Friday, January 14, 2011


Date    : 13/01/2011

1.         I am honoured to welcome you to Kuala Lumpur and to the 10th ASEAN TELMIN. It is indeed a privilege to address this distinguished gathering of the ASEAN Telecommunications and Information Technology Ministers and senior officials as well as our ASEAN Dialogue partners alongside so many members of the ICT community. This conference comes at a robust and exciting time in terms of industry expansion and growth in our region and I congratulate all present on your achievements in the last decade in developing the telecommunications and ICT sector.

2.         Today more than 78% of our citizens in ASEAN are using ICT in different facets of their lives. The sector employs approximately 11.7 million people and generates more than 3% of our gross domestic product. 

3.         In the last decade, mobile penetration for the region grew from an average of 4.3% in 2000 to more than 76% by the end of 2009 and continues to grow. In fact, 5 ASEAN countries have mobile penetration levels that have exceeded the 100% mark with others fast catching up. Remarkably, this spectacular growth occurred in the same period when we had the Asian Financial crisis where economies contracted and prudence and frugality were became the order of the day.

4.         Yet, despite the challenges faced in the last decade, the telecommunications and ICT sectors continued to grow. I believe this leaves little doubt that telecommunications have ceased to become a luxury, and is now a necessary tool of survival in the 21st Century. In fact telecommunications and ICT play a vital role as catalysts for sustainable economic development and growth. The empirical evidence is incontrovertible. Studies have shown that every 10% increase in broadband penetration boosts GDP by an average of 1.3%, and every 10% increase in mobile tele-density results in a 0.7% increase in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of a nation.

5.         Indeed, it has been our experience in Malaysia that telecommunications and ICT have served as the primary enabler for our economic development and growth in the last decade. Telecommunications and ICT connected us to the mainstream of global development and today communications and multimedia touches every industry sector in our economy.

6.         In the last decade, we have seen a number of major changes to our ICT landscape. Policy reforms introduced this sector to privatization and we encouraged the progressive liberalization of services for the telecommunications and broadcasting sectors. We enacted the world’s first convergent legislation and established the first converged industry developer and regulator for the communications and multimedia sector. 

7.         Because of these bold steps we took, today Malaysia’s ICT landscape is enriched with many service providers and numerous communications and ICT services. I am also pleased to share that our broadband penetration today is 55.6% surpassing our original target of 50% by the end of last year. I am particularly proud that when I set the target in July of 2007 in my capacity then as Chairman of the Cabinet Committee on National high Speed Broadband, our penetration rate at that time was hovering at 12.8%. But I firmly believed that if all stakeholders put in a concerted effort we could make that giant leap-frog forward, and Alhamdulillah, not only have we met our target in a timely manner, but we have in fact surpassed it.

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

8.         Having said that, I must quickly add that a mere increase in broadband penetration or cellular density in itself will not guarantee economic growth and an improved well-being for our people. These advancements in communications infrastructure must be coupled with real and concrete applications which will increase productivity and economic output. New ways of providing applications and services should be explored and initiated across all sectors of the economy.

9.         This is important to note for any country seeking to accelerate their economic growth. This is why in Malaysia, in our New Economic Model, specific planning in this regard has been well incorporated. The New Economic Model together with continuous improvements in the communications and ICT infrastructure seeks to transform the Malaysian economy into one with high income and quality growth over the next decade with knowledge and innovation as our key elements. We have a bold exciting Economic Transformation Programme (ETP) and have identified National Key Economic Areas (NKEA), which is the culmination of a substantial body of work to transform Malaysia into a high-income economy by 2020.

10.       In our 10th Malaysia Plan, we target to achieve an average of 6% annual real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth through year 2015; driven primarily by the services sector where growth is expected to average 7.2%. This plan clearly articulates the central role of ICT as the bedrock for the nation to vault forward to a high-income economy. The quantum leap in the plan will see the ICT sector expand from being a vertical sector to include the horizontal as well, as it cuts across all spheres of the economy and the lives of all Malaysians.

11.       By the same token, I am certain ASEAN Member Countries are making changes within their own system to further include ICT integration to transform their respective economies. Several years ago, we have already identified ICT as one of the ASEAN Economic Pillars. ICT has a huge multiplier effect for economic growth as it has the potential to make supply chains more efficient, collaboration richer, financial transactions faster, pricing more dynamic and processes transparent. ICT can accelerate the flow of goods and services across national borders, underpinned by effective competition; ICT stimulates and improves trade by connecting people and places previously not connected.

Ladies and gentlemen,

12.       One of the best examples on how the new emerging structure of the ICT industry is evolving can be seen with the rise of social networking and the Web 2.0 environment. Web 2.0 solutions empower individuals to utilize the Internet for global collaboration, innovation and information sharing. Not only has it empowered and changed the lives of individuals, the Web 2.0 world has spawned new business models and altered the way goods are sold, content is provided, and value is created.
13.       This is why it is imperative for ASEAN to be in the mainstream of global ICT development. Unfortunately, for many of us, inter ASEAN connectivity still remains a challenge as rolling out ubiquitous modern broadband networks requires huge investments. Much of our connectivity still routes to the US and Europe before reaching a fellow ASEAN country. To remedy this, I propose that TELMIN should consider focusing resources on improving pan ASEAN connectivity in order to lower the cost of bandwidth in ASEAN. If we are able to accomplish this, inter ASEAN connectivity will be greatly improved as will opportunities for enhancing ASEAN originated content and value creation for ASEAN products and services.

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

14.       In our earnest drive to develop our respective economies, we also must not forget the new challenges brought about by advancements in ICT. Cyber-criminals are getting more sophisticated and pose great risks to any country or government. Steps must be taken to improve our capacity in dealing with cyber-threats and cyber criminals or else they will cause irreparable damage to economies and countries. We need to step up our capacity building to ensure that governments and law enforcement officials remain ahead of existing cyber threats, and on the pulse of emerging ones.

15.       Simultaneously, we must also look into the ethics of internet use, to the extent that the internet is governable. Obviously the internet by its very nature renders it almost impossible to completely regulate. However irresponsible and unethical behavior in the borderless world of the Internet must somehow be managed. The public and our future generations need to be educated to use communications and ICT in a safe and responsible manner. We have seen how societal values are sometimes negatively impacted due to the rapid advancement of ICT. Indecency and anarchy can seep in into any environment is not anchored on ethical value. In this regard, our Eastern cultural and societal values can come into play. I strongly believe, in embracing developments in ICT it is important we do not forget our cultural roots and our values. Our culture and our heritage is what makes us unique and it is important that we educate our peoples never to abandon what makes them uniquely Asian, even when faced with the onslaught of modernity and globalization. We should never, in the name of development, compromise on our values.

16.       Our children and the future generation of ASEANS should retain their ASEAN cultural values and they must be protected from the threats on the Internet. I understand some of these issues are also at the forefront of recent TELMIN discussions and I urge you to develop a cohesive and comprehensive plan for us to work together to protect our peoples as much as possible from the negative elements roaming and hiding in the darker realms of cyberspace.

Ladies and gentlemen,

17.       I feel it is most timely and appropriate that this meeting has chosen the theme “ICT: Positioning ASEAN For The Future”, as it complements the important role we have to play on the road of achieving an ASEAN Community by 2015. Our tasks in the years ahead are more challenging as we have to work harder conscientiously to transform ASEAN into a region that is attractive enough to draw investments and trade into the region which will consequently uplift the quality of life for the people of ASEAN. ASEAN cannot afford not to be on the cusp of ICT development if it is to remain as the most attractive region for business and commerce for the world. If this is to be the Asian Century, then ASEAN must serve as a primary artery for trade and investment in the continent.

18.       It is also heartening to note that the 10th ASEAN Telecommunications and Information Technology Ministers Meeting today will also adopt the ASEAN ICT Masterplan with the vision “Towards an Empowering and Transformational ICT: Creating an Inclusive, Vibrant and Integrated ASEAN”. ICT is probably the most fundamental tool we have at our disposal to further strengthen our grouping by facilitating communications, for the exchange of ideas and to strengthen bilateral as well as people to people relations between all member countries. I hope all TELMIN members will give their full commitment in translating the Masterplan into concrete initiatives that will fulfill the intended objectives.

19.       ASEAN has achieved much since its inception over four decades ago. But it must continuously change and adapt itself to changing times if it is to remain an effective and relevant grouping , bringing real benefits to its member countries and partners. Whether in ICT or in other areas where member countries work closely together, we must continue to strive to become the best regional grouping in terms of the value it brings to the people of ASEAN. We have done well, but there is always room for improvement and we must be committed towards taking ASEAN to the next level.

20.       As this is the 10th Anniversary of ASEAN Telecommunications and Information Technology Ministers Meeting, I believe there is much to be discussed and shared. I hope that besides the formal talks in rolling out the Masterplan for the future of ASEAN ICT, all of you here will take the opportunity to strengthen your network of friends and build on that camaraderie to facilitate future cooperation.

21.       I also hope that all delegates of TELMIN-10 would take some time to enjoy the sights and sounds of Kuala Lumpur and experience the warmth of Malaysian hospitality. Above all I hope you have a fruitful and beneficial conference, and I wish you well in your deliberations. With that, it is with great pleasure that I declare the 10th ASEAN Telecommunications and Information Technology Ministers Meeting open.

Thank you.
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Date      : 11/01/2011

Putrajaya, 11 January 2011 – The Prime Minister of Malaysia today announced 19 Entry Point Projects and developments, following 18 others that have been announced since the launch of the Economic Transformation Programme.

“The Economic Transformation Programme has started the year with a bang by switching into overdrive and surging ahead with more Entry Point Projects and developments, as we approach the 100-day mark since we launch the programme. This time around, the 19 Entry Point Projects and developments will come from 10 National Key Economic Areas. Combined, they will contribute almost RM67 billion in investment, RM36 billion in gross national income and 35,000 new jobs,” said Dato’ Sri Najib Tun Razak.

Leading the announcement are four Entry Point Projects and developments under the Oil, Gas & Energy National Key Economic Area.

Following through from the announcement of new tax incentives under the Petroleum Income Tax Act (PITA) in November 2010, ExxonMobil Exploration and Production Malaysia Inc., in conjunction with its production sharing contract partner, Petronas Carigali Sdn Bhd, plans to invest over RM10 billion in new oil and gas assets to help ensure reliable and sustainable energy supplies for Malaysia.

“This capital expenditure commitment will be utilised to rejuvenate mature facilities and undertake enhanced oil recovery activities in the Tapis field and the Telok gas development project. Located offshore Peninsular Malaysia, the Telok project is being developed under a gas production sharing contract to provide additional supplies for Malaysia's power and industrial needs and will promote organic growth of the natural gas sector,” said Najib.

Shell Malaysia will be investing RM5.1 billion on upgrading and expanding existing facilities, and building new facilities in upstream, midstream and downstream activities across Malaysia. This includes the expansion of the Shell MDS wax plant in Bintulu, a new biodiesel processing unit at the Shell Refinery in Port Dickson and the Gumusut deepwater development offshore Sabah.

Dialog Group Berhad, along with the State Government of Johor and Vopak, will be developing a RM5 billion independent deepwater petroleum terminal project at Pengerang, Johor. The hub will have a total petroleum storage capacity of five million cubic metres, and is expected to generate RM1.6 billion in gross national income by 2020.

“This project will catapult Malaysia into the ranks of a regional oil storage hub. I expect significant multiplier effects from the Pengerang project to cascade to the entire economy,” he added.

Rounding up the investments in energy is the establishment of Malaysia Nuclear Power Corporation Energy to study the possibility of deploying nuclear energy to meet future demand and diversify the energy mix for Peninsular Malaysia.

“I am pleased to announce the formation of the Malaysia Nuclear Power Corporation as well as Dr Mohd Zamzam bin Jaafar as its Chief Executive Officer. Dr Mohd Zamzam will lead the planning based on the current development timeline of 11 to 12 years, from pre-project to commissioning,” said Najib. 
The aspiration to establish Malaysia as a world-class data centre hub under the Business Services National Key Economic Area received a major boost with MyTelehaus, CSF Group and Teliti Data investing over RM671 million collectively to develop new and upgrade existing facilities to supply 475,000 square feet of data centre floor space to cater to the increased demand.

In the healthcare sector, UM Holdings Sdn Bhd, a corporation wholly-owned by Universiti Malaya, will establish the Universiti Malaya Healthcare Metropolis in Petaling Jaya, Selangor. With an investment of RM1.25 billion, the two-million square feet purpose-built facility to be developed in collaboration with 32 healthcare, academic and technology partners, integrates healthcare, bio-research and post-graduate education.

“The project aims to elevate the standards and quality in these areas to be among the best in the world. It is benchmarked against Harvard’s Longwood Medical Centre and Stanford’s Bio-X Centre, two of the global best-in-class examples,” added the Prime Minister.

In addition, Hovid Berhad, a home-grown pharmaceutical company, has entered into a joint venture with Winthrop Pharmaceuticals, a subsidiary of Sanofi-Aventis, a global pharmaceutical company to manufacture and supply generic drugs for diabetes and pain management worth RM50 million over the next five years. This generics export initiative is the first step for Malaysia to tap the global market worth RM435 billion over the next 10 years, catalysed by the patent expiration of major blockbuster drugs.  

The tourism sector will see two new hospitality developments. RM1billion will be invested by Teluk Datai Resort Sdn Bhd and its partners to expand and upgrade existing facilities and construct new hotels in Pulau Langkawi, while the YTL Group is investing RM75 million to develop a deluxe family resort in Pulau Gaya, off the coast of Kota Kinabalu.

The AUO SunPower solar cell fabrication facility in Melaka, a joint venture between SunPower Corporation of the USA and AU Optronics Corporation of Taiwan, opened by the Prime Minister recently, is scheduled to be fully operational in 2013. The RM2.2 billion facility is expected to produce high-efficiency solar cells that generate more than 1,400 megawatts annually.

In the agriculture sector, Terengganu State Development has received approval to develop a High-Value Herbal Plantation in Pasir Raja, to cultivate herbs that are in high demand. This project is a crucial step to ensure the availability of a ready source of raw material as Malaysia moves up the value chain to become a leader in the production of nutraceuticals and botanical drugs. It will contribute about RM2.2 billion in gross national income by 2020.

In Communications Content and Infrastructure, SelecTV is set to invest RM30 million to create an internet protocol TV (IPTV) platform, to distribute Malaysian content to about 20,000 hotel rooms in Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia and the Middle East. This project will see a gross national income of RM90 million by 2020.

The wholesale and retail sector will see the MINES Resort City transformed into MINES Wellness City, an integrated health and wellness Resort. With an investment of approximately RM3 billion by 2020, this project will contribute about RM5 billion in gross national income over the next 10 years.

To achieve the target of a 40% skilled workforce by 2020, Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran will launch Skills Malaysia 2011, an initiative to raise awareness and showcase the vocational opportunities for students who have completed their SPM and upgrades for unskilled workers. This initiative is a component of the larger Entry Point Project on private skill training provision that is expected to generate RM2.1 billion in gross national income in 2020 and creating 12,400 jobs in the process.

Key to the success of the Greater Kuala Lumpur/Klang Valley NKEA is the Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) and Talent Corporation Entry Point Projects. MRT will increase connectivity within the area which is critical for urban growth and improved productivity. The project will employ about 130,000 people at its peak construction phase, with a significant multiplier impact on associated industries. The investment of RM36.6 billion will see an incremental gross national income contribution of RM21.3 billion in 2020.

Meanwhile, Talent Corporation, a new government agency under the stewardship of Johan Mahmood Merican as the Chief Executive Officer, is tasked to strategise and implement initiatives to engage and attract the best talents required to fill the 3.3 million positions that will be created by the various National Key Economic Areas.

Guocoland Berhad will invest RM1.9 billion in an integrated development called DAMANSARA CITY 2 located in Pusat Bandar Damansara. Comprising two office blocks of 560,000 and 285,000 square feet each, 290,000 square feet in retail space as well as a 300-room hotel and a 260-unit serviced apartment block, this project is expected to be launched this year.

“By kick-starting these projects as well as the earlier announced projects, the economic effects will soon be tangible. We are completely focused on results and by delivering them, I hope to galvanise the majority of Malaysians who are believers and also convert the minority naysayers to join this cause. After all, this is a national transformation agenda and we must get everyone on board, in the true spirit of 1Malaysia, People First, Performance Now,” said Najib.


About the Economic Transformation Programme

The Economic Transformation Programme is a focused, inclusive and sustainable initiative that will transform Malaysia into a high-income nation by 2020. It is driven by 12 National Key Economic Areas (NKEAs): Oil, Gas and Energy; Palm Oil; Financial Services; Wholesale and Retail; Tourism; Business Services; Electrical and Electronics; Communications Content and Infrastructure; Healthcare; Education; Agriculture; and Greater Kuala Lumpur/Klang Valley.

131 entry point projects (EPPs) have been clearly outlined within these sectors to grow our economy. These Entry Point Projects (EPPs) within the National Key Economic Areas (NKEAs) will lead Malaysia towards achieving a high-income nation status with a per capita income of RM48,000 (USD15,000) and create more than 3.3 million new jobs by 2020, throughout the country.

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Prasarana + Rapid = Rapid.......? (Episod 1).

Hari ini ketika aku sedang lepak di Maybank Bansar, terdengar suara-suara halus di belakang cerita ketidakpuasan hati mereka tentang pentadbiran PRASARANA sekarang. Apatah lagi teringat aku akan pendedahan yang dibuat oleh GAP suatu ketika dahulu atas tajuk KEPINCANGAN SYARIKAT PRASARANA NEGARA BERHAD. Ini membuat aku rasa seronok nak korek balik.

Aku amati perbualan mereka, kesimpulannya apa yang aku faham adalah Prasaran sekarang tak sama dengan Prasarana dahulu. Agak aku mungkin  MD baru nak buat perubahan sikit kot....... Tetapi yang menghairankan aku, Rapid lebih berkuasa dari Prasarana.

Aku cuba search web Prasarana dan Rapid, terkejut juga bila address berlainan tetapi linknya sama.

1.       Prasarana  -
2.       Rapid        -

Web Prasarana ada cuma kena tambah baru dapat.
Tetapi bila ke HOME ia kembali semula pada webpage Rapid. Ini tak penting....... saja aku nak cerita.

Sementara aku mengumpul maklumat, biar aku cerita sikit latarbelakang Prasarana dan Rapid.
Syarikat Prasarana Negara Berhad (SPNB).

Syarikat Prasarana Negara Berhad (SPNB) merupakan syarikat milik kerajaan 100% yang ditubuhkan pada 11 September, 1998 untuk memiliki aset-aset kebanyakan perkhidmatan pengangkutan awam di Kuala Lumpur, ibu kota Malaysia sebagai langkah penstrukturan semula pengangkutan awam ibu kota.

SPNB memiliki aset ketiga-tiga laluan transit aliran ringan (LRT): Aliran Ampang, Aliran Sri Petaling (kedua-duanya bekas Star LRT) dan Aliran Kelana Jaya (bekas Putra-LRT) yang dibeli daripada pemilik asal masing-masing pada 1 September 2002.

SPNB juga memiliki rangkaian bas yang dibeli daripada Cityliner dan Intrakota Konsortium pada 27 Oktober dan 29 Oktober 2003.

SPNB juga memiliki kereta kabel di Langkawi dan mengendalikan perkhidmatannya bagi pihak Langkawi Development Authority (LADA) melalui anak syarikat milik penuhnya, Panorama Langkawi Sdn. Bhd. (PLSB). Kereta kabel ini menawarkan perkhidmatan ke puncak Gunung Mat Chinchang untuk menikmati keindahan Pulau Langkawi dan kawasan sekitarnya pada Januari 2003.

Pengendalian kesemua perkhidmatan LRT dan bas milikan SPNB diserahkan kepada Rapid KL pada Disember 2004.

Pada Disember 2007, Prasarana telah mengambil alih aset dan operasi Sistem KL Monorel, yang kini diuruskan oleh KL StarRail Sdn Bhd (KLSR), syarikat milik penuh Prasarana.

Rangkaian Pengangkutan Integrasi Deras Sdn. Bhd. (RapidKL).

Keperluan sistem pengangkutan awam di Kuala Lumpur dirombak semula menjadi nyata semenjak laluan LRT memulakan operasi komersialnya apabila bilangan penumpang didapati kurang daripada yang dijangkakan, mengakibatkan hasil jualan yang kurang memuaskan menyebabkan kedua-dua pemilik konsesi LRT , Sistem Transit Aliran Ringan Sdn Bhd (Star-LRT) dan Projek Usahasama Transit Ringan Automatik Sdn Bhd (Putra-LRT), tidak mempu membayar balik pinjaman komersial mereka.

Krisis kewangan 1997/98 memburukkan lagi keadaan. Kedua-dua syarikat ini berhutang sebanyak RM5.7bil pada November 2001 apabila Corporate Debt Restructuring Committee (CDRC) anjuran kerajaan menstrukturkan semula hutang kedua-dua syarikat tersebut.

Perkhidmatan bas di Kuala Lumpur juga dibelenggui masalah kekurangan penumpang akibat kenaikan penggunaan pengangkutan persendirian serta kekurangan pelaburan modal. Dua konsortium bas yang ditubuhakn pada pertengahan 1990-an untuk mengambil alih kesemua perkhidmatan bas di Kuala Lumpur - Intrakota Komposit dan Cityliner - mula menghadapi masalah kewangan. Intrakota dilaporkan mengumpul kerugian berjumlah RM450j kesan krisi kewangan 1997/98 sehingga pengambilalihan oleh SPNB pada 2003.

Akibat hasil yang rendah ini, pengendali bas tersebut tidak mampu menjaga kenderaan sedia ada atau melabur untuk memperoleh bas baru. Kekerapan tejejas dan perkhidmatan merosot akibat kerosakan bas.

Penggunaan pengangkutan awam di Lembah Kelang menjunam sampai 16% daripada keseluruhan perjalanan, menjadikannya antara kadar penggunaan yang terendah di rantau Asia.

Pada tahun 2001, CDRC berjaya menstrukturkan semula hutang bernilai RM5.7bil kedua-dua syarikat LRT melalui penghasilan bon jaminan kerajaan oleh SPNB. SPNB secara rasminya mengambil alih pengendalian LRT daripada Star-LRT dan Putra-LRT pada 1 September 2002.

Pada bulan Oktober 2003, SPNB membayar RM177j mengambil alih Intrakota Komposit dan anak syarikatnya dari DRB-Hicom, dan juga membayar RM14j untuk 364 buah bas milik Cityliner. Syarikat-syarikat asal tersebut dinamakan sebagai pengendali sementara.

Pda bulan November 2004, SPNB memberi hak pengendalian perkhidmatan LRT dan bas kepada RapidKL.

Pada bulan Januari 2006, RapidKL memulakan rombakan semula rangkaian bas Lembah Kelang secara besar-besaran.

Tunggu pendedahan demi pendedahan akan aku korek buat renungan semua.......
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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Kalau Bukan Bermulut Celupar, Bukan Zuraidah Namanya.

Suatu hari, sebuah bas kilang yang memuatkan YB-YB wanita daripada sebuah Pakatan Pembangkang yang tidak berdaftar sedang menuju kilang kayu yang terletak jauh dari kawasan kampung untuk tujuan lawatan sambil belajar. Dalam perjalanan itu mereka terpaksa melalui kebun getah yang sangat luas.

Hendak dijadikan cerita, ada seorang lelaki berdekatan tepi jalan menahan bas tersebut dengan tujuan hendak menumpang. Bas berkenaan berhentilah. Tiba-tiba lebih kurang 6 orang perompak keluar dari dalam semak dan menyerbu untuk merompak bas tersebut..

Sorang perompak berkata, "Keluarkan dan bagi semua barang kemas yang korang ada!! Cepat!!"

Sorang YB di dalam bas kilang itu membalas, "... tapi ... kami tak bawak barang kemas kalau pergi kerja ... duit pun ada sikit saja untuk belanja," kata YB berkenaan dengan tujuan untuk menipu perompak.

Perompak berfikir seketika dan berkata, "Ha .. gini la ... sebab korang takder barang kemas dan duit, kami akan rogol korang SEMUA ahahhaa.."

Seorang YB yang agak muda sedikit berkata, " Alalaa...takkan la orang-orang tua yang dekat belakang tu nak rogol jugak. Tak kesian ker?"

Tetiba seorang perempuan tua bernama Zuraidah yang digelar orang tua itu marah seraya berkata, "Weh ... ko nie. Tak paham ker. Kalau dia cakap SEMUA ... SEMUA la!"

Cerita di atas adalah sekadar hiburan dan tidak ada kena mengena di antara yang hidup atau yang telah dikebumikan.

Beberapa hari lepas, Ahli Parlimen Ampang, Zuraidah Kamaruddin telah mengeluarkan kenyataan akhbar yang mendesak Menteri Kebudayaan dan Perlancungan, DS Dr Rais Yatim supaya meletakkan jawatan sebagai Menteri disebabkan fitnah yang dilakukan ke atas beliau. Petikan penuh kenyataan media beliau adalah seperti berikut dan juga boleh dibaca di blog beliau, di sini.
Gantung Segera Tugas Rais Yatim!!

Kenyataan Media: 06 Januari 2010 (Khamis)

Saya berasa amat kesal apabila insiden “Menteri Rogol Amah” ini seolah dipandang sambil lewa oleh kerajaan Malaysia sedangkan sudah jelas apa yang berlaku mencemarkan imej dan kredibiti Malaysia di peringkat antarabangsa. Tindakan PM sendiri yang mengambil jalan mudah dengan berdiam diri seolah ‘merestui’ jenayah pihak terbabit.

Sebagai sebuah negara Malaysia yang telah bersama menandatangani perjanjian Konvensyen Mengenai Penghapusan Semua Bentuk Diskriminasi Terhadap Wanita (CEDAW), sikap sambil lewa ini amat bertentangan dengan CEDAW itu sendiri iaitu bertujuan menghapuskan semua bentuk diskriminasi, bukan sahaja terhadap wanita Malaysia semata-mata, tetapi juga merangkumi perlindungan daripada diskriminasi terhadap wanita imigran dan pekerja asing.

Sebagai respon kepada penafian Menteri Datuk Seri Rais Yatim terhadap isu ini, sya mempersoalkan tindakan Rais Yatim yang seolah-olah cuba menyalahkan pihak Pakatan, bloggers dan media bahawa kononnya insiden ini adalah ciptaan permainan politik berkepentingan. Wanita Keadilan menganggap ini sebagai suatu tuduhan keras dan Rais Yatim patut segera memohon maaf.

Pihak kerajaan juga seharusnya mengantung tugas Rais Yatim buat sementara dan berkuat-kuasa serta merta bagi menjamin sebuah pentadbiran yang benar-benar bersih, sehingga keputusan siasatan selesai.

Semakin lama kerajaan Umno-BN memerintah semakin bertimbun kes-kes penindasan, diskriminasi dan memalukan terhadap wanita berlaku. Bermula dari kes Rahim Tamby Chik, isu Penan, pemerdagangan manusia, penyeksaan pembantu rumah Bonita dan kini sudah sampai ke kemuncaknya apabila seoarang Menteri sendiri dikaitkan dengan jenayah serius ini. Kerajaan Malaysia nampakkan tidak menunjukkan ketegasan dan tiada ‘potical-will’ dalam menjanjikan keadilan hak kemanusiaan buat semua.

Maka, atas dasar kebimbangan dan kebertanggungjawaban terhadap keadilan buat semua wanita di negara ini saya menggesa agar Kemmenterian Pembangunan Wanita, Sumber Manusia, Kementerian Dalam Negeri dan Perdana Menteri memandang perkara ini dengan serius dan segera mendapatkan japawn kepada jenayah ini bagi membersihkan imej kerajaan Malaysia di peringkat antarabangsa sekaligus membawa penjenayah terbabit ke muka pengadilan.

Sekian. Terima kasih.


Saya tidak tahu, di atas kapasiti apakah Zuraidah membuat kenyataan akhbar, mungkin sebagai Ketua Wanita PKR, sedangkan Ketua Umum PKR sendiri mendiamkan diri, mengenai isu ini. Kenapakah beliau tidak lantang menyuruh Ketua Umum PKR yang sedang dibicarakan meliwat jubur lelaki supaya meletakkan jawatan? Kenapakah beliau menjadi manusia paling lantang membela Ratu Porno Seks, YB Eli Wong dan menyokong seks bebas. Kenapa YB Eli Wong tidak turut sama disaran supaya meletak jawatan? Bagaimana dengan kes Setiausaha Parti Islam SeMalaysia Hulu Selangor ditahan reman selama 5 hari untuk siasatan mencabul kanak-kanak. Kenapa beliau tidak menyaran tindakan dikenakan ke atas suspek juga merupakan pengusaha Pusat Asuhan Kanak-Kanak Islam (PASTI) anjuran Parti Islam SeMalaysia?

YB Zuraidah sepatutnya meminta maaf dengan tertuduh berkaitan kenyataan akhbarnya kerana yang dituduh, Robingah, sudahpun membuat akuan bersumpah seperti tersiar di akhbar Sinar Harian bertarikh 09 Januari 2011, bahawa beliau tidak dirogol oleh DS Dr Rais. Habis tu, kalau Robingah telah mengakui dirinya tidak dirogol, siapa yang dirogol? YB Zuraidah kah?

Surat Khabar Indonesia Nafi Rubingah Diperkosa Menteri Malaysia:
Jumat, 07/01/2011 15:31 WIB
BNP2TKI: Rubingah Tidak Diperkosa Menteri Malaysia 
Fitraya Ramadhanny - detikNews

 Jakarta - Media Malaysia meramaikan dugaan pemerkosaan TKW Rubingah oleh Menteri Rais Yatim. LSM Migrant Care juga membenarkan data perkosaan adalah milik mereka yang dibocorkan blogger Malaysia. Namun menurut BNP2TKI, Rubingah tidak pernah diperkosa.

Kepala Badan Nasional Penempatan dan Perlindungan Tenaga Kerja Indonesia (BNP2TKI) Jumhur Hidayat menegaskan, kasus dugaan pemerkosaan terhadap Tenaga Kerja Indonesia Rubingah (48) oleh Menteri Komunikasi dan Kebudayaan Malaysia Datuk Rais Yatim, tidak pernah ada.

"Sudah ada keterangan langsung dari Ibu Rubingah dan juga pernyataan tertulis bahwa beliau tidak pernah mengalami pemerkosaan selama bekerja pada keluarga majikan Datuk Rais Yatim di Malaysia, termasuk perlakuan lain yang tidak pantas," kata Jumhur dalam rilis ke detikcom, Jumat (7/1/2011).

Penjelasan Jumhur didasarkan hasil pertemuan 4 staf Balai Pelayanan Penempatan dan Perlindungan Tenaga Kerja Indonesia (BP3TKI) Semarang dengan Rubingah dan suaminya, Sukirman. Rubingah bekerja di Malaysia sejak 1999-2007 di rumah Datuk Rais Yatim dan Datin Masnah, kemudian kembali ke kampungnya di Dukuh Kramenan Rt 2 Rw 3, Desa Pagelak, Kecamatan Madukara, Banjarnegara, Jawa Tengah.

Rubingah memiliki dua anak yaitu Monika Umami (26) dan Agustina Umami (21). Anak terakhirnya kini bekerja sebagai TKI di Taiwan. Sedangkan suami Rubingah membuka usaha bengkel reparasi elektronik.

"Saya juga sudah melaporkan penjelasan Ibu Rubingah ini kepada Menakertrans Muhaimin Iskandar," tambah Jumhur.

Jumhur selanjutnya meminta pihak mana pun agar berhati-hati dalam mengangkat kasus dugaan pemerkosaan terhadap TKI oleh Menteri Malaysia itu. "Sebab, ini menyangkut nama baik Ibu Rubingah bersama keluarganya yang saat ini hidup tenang dan nyaman di kampungnya," ujar Jumhur.

Dalam pernyataan tertulisnya di atas materai, Rubingah menjelaskan tidak pernah terjadi upaya pelecehan seksual oleh majikannya selama ia bekerja di Malaysia. "Saya bekerja selama delapan tahun di rumah Datuk. Selama itu baik-baik saja, tidak pernah ada permasalahan, apalagi terkait perlakuan kasar serta tidak senonoh terhadap saya," kata Rubingah dalam pernyataannya.

Pernyataan ini berbeda dengan keterangan Migrant Care. Mereka betul mengadvokasi Rubingah, namun Rubingah meminta kasusnya tidak dilanjutkan. Migrant Care mengakui yang dibocorkan blogger Malaysia adalah dokumen advokasi mereka yang semestinya untuk kalangan terbatas.

"Migrant Care pada pertengahan Juli 2007, melakukan investigasi kasus dugaan perkosaan yang dialami RB selama menjadi PRT migran di Malaysia dengan pelaku adalah majikannya sendiri. Pihak korban tidak mau kasus tersebut diungkap ke publik dan tidak mau pula menuntut secara hukum," ujar Direktur Eksekutif Migrant CARE, Anis Hidayah, dalam konferensi pers di Restoran Warung Daun, Jl Cikini, Jakarta Pusat, Jumat (7/1/2011).

Kabar pemerkosaan terhadap Rubingah (46) asal Banjarnegara, diramaikan salah satu situs berita oposisi Malaysia, Harakah Daily. Harakah mengklaim ada bocoran WikiLeaks terkait hal itu, seperti ditulis seorang blogger Malaysia, Rocky Bru.

Namun diduga itu pelintiran Harakah yang menjadi oposisi UMNO. Sebab, Bru tidak menyebut demikian di blognya. Seperti dilansir detikcom dari blognya, yang berjudul 'Wikileaks: Malaysian senior politician and his maid?', Bru mengatakan sejauh ini kasak-kusuk WikiLeaks adalah diskusi antar blogger. Bru yang mantan Pemimpin Redaksi The Malaysia Mail pun belum tahu apakah benar ada bocoran WikiLeaks soal kasus perkosaan ini.

Bru hanya memberikan tautan dokumen lain yang bukan WikiLeaks. Dokumen itu adalah laporan investigasi lembaga pembela hak-hak pekerja asal Indonesia, Migrant Care. Dokumen Migrant Care ini juga yang menjadi modal pihak oposisi mengkritisi Rais Yatim, misalnya saja dari Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia (SAMM).

Sementara, Rais Yatim pun dalam pernyataan kepada kantor berita milik pemerintah Malaysia, Bernama, membantah keras tudingan itu. "Saya membantah tuduhan perkosaan yang dilakukan empat tahun lalu ataupun tuduhan yang disampaikan oleh penulis liar di internet atau partai politik," kata dia dalam pernyataannya, Kamis (6/1) kemarin.

Sumber: detikNews.

Satu perkara yang bermain di fikiran saya - Apa pula tindakan bangsat-bangsat yang hendak menjatuhkan DS Dr Rais Yatim selepas ini.
Do it better next time Bro.
We will be ready! Damn!!!

Terimakasih kepada Cucu Tok Selampit.
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